



What's it Going to be then, Eh? Is the name for my blog. I stole the first line from the novel "A Clockwork Orange" At some point I might start including nadset in the postings but I wouldn't hold your breath

Check back frequently there will one day be words of the highest importance here. Not right here. But back there a bit, and over to the left. This area will be the sole domain of meaningless drivel.

This paragraph will be used to further my personal brand. In this age of marketing and brand recognition at the personal level I think it is prudent for one to throw a knife in the dirt and mark a spot where they can present themselves to the world. This paragraph is my spot for just such a thing. Although, in all fairness, most of the people who seek someone of my talents have no doubt already been told of me and are avid fans already. It's that word of mouth advertising that seems to be the key to "getting oneself out there"

If both of those paragraphs have bored you and left you with a sense of profound( or just mild) ennui and you would just like to see pictures of my children then this link is for you --> Here


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Last modified: Fri Jul 28 08:35:36 Central Daylight Time 2006
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